
As one of the leading global specialists in foreign exchange, we understand the importance of having up-to-date and accurate market information at your fingertips in order to help you make the right choices.
Currency Bid Ask % High Low Open UK Time
GBPEUR 1.1622 1.1632 0.10 1.1634 1.1609 1.1615 14:05:43
GBPUSD 1.2521 1.2525 0.02 1.2521 1.2521 1.2521 14:05:43
EURUSD 1.0769 1.0774 -0.00 1.0790 1.0760 1.0782 14:05:43
EURGBP 0.8598 0.8602 0.02 0.8598 0.8598 0.8598 14:05:43
GBPAED 4.5985 4.6010 0.01 4.6046 4.5917 4.5994 14:05:43
GBPAUD 1.8968 1.8969 0.01 1.8968 1.8968 1.8968 14:05:43
GBPNZD 2.0799 2.0810 0.03 2.0799 2.0799 2.0799 14:05:43
GBPCAD 1.7118 1.7124 0.01 1.7119 1.7119 1.7119 14:05:43
GBPNOK 13.573 13.575 0.01 13.573 13.573 13.573 14:05:43
GBPCHF 1.1347 1.1358 0.04 1.1348 1.1348 1.1348 14:05:43
GBPJPY 195.04 195.05 0.00 195.04 195.04 195.04 14:05:43
GBPHKD 9.7820 9.7870 0.03 9.7820 9.7820 9.7820 14:05:43
EURAED 3.9550 3.9575 -0.00 3.9615 3.9521 3.9590 14:05:43
EURAUD 1.6303 1.6328 0.08 1.6303 1.6303 1.6303 14:05:43
EURJPY 167.76 167.76 0.14 167.96 167.50 167.53 14:05:43
EURHKD 8.4127 8.4198 0.04 8.4127 8.4127 8.4127 14:05:43
EURNOK 11.674 11.677 0.01 11.674 11.674 11.674 14:05:43
USDGBP 0.7984 0.7985 0.01 0.7997 0.7974 0.7984 14:05:43
USDAED 3.6726 3.6735 0.01 3.6729 3.6721 3.6726 14:05:43
USDEUR 0.9283 0.9288 0.03 0.9283 0.9283 0.9283 14:05:43

Please note, the rates displayed are live interbank rates, not the exchange rates which we offer, and are for indicative purposes only. Please speak to your Sales Executive or contact us to obtain an accurate quote for exchange rates. We do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the rates displayed on this page.

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